kre-a-tiv COLLECTION
Coming Soon
Hand selected products for you
We have meticulously curated a selection of vetted products for you. We understand that in today’s fast-paced world, finding reliable and quality products can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve created this website to serve as your one-stop destination for discovering design items that will help to kre-a-te peace of mind in your purchasing decisions.
Hard to find Products designed for you
As a design firm, we often run across items in our projects that are hard to find! This is why we created the original KLC kre-a-tiv Collection. The KLC team will design and bring to market for you these hard to find items.
Check back soon to see the first pieces to hit this Collection!!!
Sourced for you
Amazon Favorites
These are our favorite products available on Amazon.
Other Favorites
Take a look through our favorite products from a variety of deferent...